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When the cows come first.


Work can often take priority over pleasure

I know that the cows come first. I was raised on a beautiful, busy dairy farm. Everyone had an important role to play, whether it was milking cows or cooking supper or simply waiting for a load of hay to arrive at the barn so that we could quickly unload before the rain. We had lots of time to play but we clearly understood, the cows came first.

Putting cows first is understandable when they are needed for the financial survival of a farm and thus, the survival of the family. In the spirit of ‘work hard – play hard’, the connections that are created support perseverance through many adverse conditions. I see farm families come together to share stories and to support each other. It is motivating to see a community come together in work, in play and in learning. There is great resilience and productivity when we work towards a common goal at all levels.

Many corporate organizations would love to have this magic formula to support employee engagement and productivity. How does it work? From a very young age, children learn that the cows come first and that they are working towards a common goal. The programming around this purpose is powerful and productive.

And so what is the watch out?

We are human and we react to experiences. Each of us reacts in our own unique way. One event can leave very different, invisible imprints for each person involved.  Each person is impacted differently. This creates difficulty to appreciate another person’s pain. Given that farm life is full of ‘events’, appreciating how these triggers influence our current reactions can be challenging. The images, sounds and other perceptions frozen from these events can trigger distressing thoughts, emotions and body sensations long after the event.

I appreciate the power of purpose and putting cows first. I have also come to appreciate that the events that happen on a farm trigger intense reactions that others will not be able to understand. Learning a simple technique to release the intensity is powerful. When the pressure mounts, having a tool to let off steam is necessary. Logosynthesis® offers a simple, repeatable method to identify and neutralize the frozen perceptions. When the perception is gone, so too are the reactions. Like magic.

I had a recently had a conversation with a friend to demonstrate Logosynthesis® and it dawned on us that we felt a disconnect because we didn’t have ‘real’ jobs, like those on the farm. Crazy but true. I worked on that trigger and I could feel the importance of bringing forward creativity and innovation from new perspectives to support the community.

Logosynthesis® can support self-care

So because I know that at times, the cows do come first, I recommend to make time to get in the habit of noticing your reactions and resolving the triggers. I share this 10-minute video to guide you through the process. Watch the entire video. Repeat often. Notice what shifts.

For further resources, go to our Resource page.
Learn to use a quick and easy technique in this book by Dr. Laurie Weiss.
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