What is the difference between truth and beliefs?

Truth and Beliefs: A Logosynthesis Perspective on Health and Wellbeing In the journey of work and life, understanding the difference between truth and beliefs is crucial. This distinction becomes particularly important when viewed through the lens of Logosynthesis, a model for healing and personal development. This coaching and psychotherapeutic model emphasizes the power of words to reduce stress, feel better and unlock your potential. By recognizing and differentiating between what is true and what is merely a belief, you are … Read More

Preventing and resolving harassment at work.

The challenge of demanding professions: Harassment in the workplace is a common issue because it is a result of reactive behaviour patterns. Thriving in demanding professions often requires professionals to navigate high-stress environments with poise and resilience. However, the intense pressures of these jobs can sometimes lead to reactive behaviors that, if unmanaged, may inadvertently contribute to increased stress, a toxic workplace culture and even result in missed opportunities and job loss. This article delves into the importance of self-awareness, … Read More

Should I quit my job? A Logosynthesis approach.

Introduction: Choosing whether or not to quit your job is a significant decision that can impact various aspects of your life. It’s crucial to approach this decision with a clear mind and a deep understanding of what truly bothers you about your current job. It is common for people to get stuck in reactive patterns of behaviours that get in the way of making the best decision possible. Before taking any drastic steps, it’s wise to explore potential resolutions and … Read More

How to create work-life balance using Logosynthesis

Shifting your energy to create work-life balance: We often work hard to achieve work-life balance – both a fulfilling personal life and a meaningful career. As we strive to be successful in all areas of life, we often encounter challenges that get in the way of ‘balance’. Logosynthesis, a transformative coaching model developed by Dr. Willem Lammers, offers a unique perspective and precise technique to address these challenges. By shifting limiting beliefs and memories, Logosynthesis can help professionals find inner … Read More

How to resolve work-related stress headaches.

Many people struggle to resolve stress headaches related to their work. Often times, stress headaches are accepted as an inevitable part of work without understanding the role of the underlying triggers. You can identify and resolve your stress triggers using Logosynthesis. Not only does Logosynthesis help to reduce stress, but it also helps to feel more energy to unlock your potential. Sylvie’s story Sylvie contacted me because she was struggling at work.  “I’m having a hard time at work again. … Read More

How to relieve tension & frustration in team meetings.

Tension and frustration in team meetings is common. Beth was interested in experiencing Logosynthesis so we met on a late afternoon Zoom call. I know Beth, so we had a brief chat before settling in to explore a topic. She is a team lead and is currently working from home. She notices that it is harder to interact with others. A lot of people are stressed out and although she is doing well in her current situation, she notices more … Read More

How to change your beliefs.

Your beliefs feel like ‘fact’. It can be challenging to change your beliefs. Your beliefs help you to make sense of your world. They are conclusions that you have reached based on your experiences, your culture and the authority of others. Although your beliefs feel ‘right’, they are frozen energy patterns that can keep you stuck in a limited view of the world. This is a normal pattern of being human. It allows us to survive. When new views are … Read More

When the cows come first.

Work can often take priority over pleasure I know that the cows come first. I was raised on a beautiful, busy dairy farm. Everyone had an important role to play, whether it was milking cows or cooking supper or simply waiting for a load of hay to arrive at the barn so that we could quickly unload before the rain. We had lots of time to play but we clearly understood, the cows came first. Putting cows first is understandable … Read More

How to not lose my cool.

I don’t like to lose my cool. I have been known to lose my cool when life gets busy and demands are urgent. It is not something that I like to admit but I notice it in the tone of my voice, the tension in my jaw and the squinting of my eyes. I get in a reactive mode and in the moment, my concern is not about the feelings of others but rather that others pay attention to me. … Read More

One Photo – Multiple Reactions

One photo has the power to spark very different reactions in people. My reactions are based on my experiences and my beliefs, which are part of the family and the community in which I live.  One photo can feel fun and playful to one person and yet trigger very raw feelings of distress in another. My work is to resolve the sensory perceptions or mental imagery that trigger my reactions so that I can have a higher level of compassion … Read More

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