Should I quit my job? A Logosynthesis approach

Should I quit my job? A Logosynthesis approach.


Choosing whether or not to quit your job is a significant decision that can impact various aspects of your life. It’s crucial to approach this decision with a clear mind and a deep understanding of what truly bothers you about your current job. It is common for people to get stuck in reactive patterns of behaviours that get in the way of making the best decision possible. Before taking any drastic steps, it’s wise to explore potential resolutions and gain a greater sense of clarity. In this article, I will introduce you to Logosynthesis, a powerful model to resolve what bothers so that more of your energy is available to take meaningful action. What does that look like? For example, many people leave their jobs because of their boss. Logosynthesis guides you to shift your automatic reactions to your boss so that feel calmer. When your boss no longer bothers you, you may find that you actually enjoy your job. This can be difficult to explain but read on and I offer a guided exercise at the end for you to give it a try.

Understanding the Dilemma:

Feeling dissatisfied or frustrated with your job is a common experience that we all face at some point in our careers. These reactions are often a result of past experiences and beliefs about the way things should be … and they’re not!  It can take a lot of energy to constantly try to change and fix situations and other people! It is common to think that the only solution is quitting. By learning to shift your automatic reactions in these situations, you can have better conversations to address issues that bother you and potentially rediscover your passion for your work or discover alternative paths.

Logosynthesis is a coaching and therapy model that is being used internationally to inspire leadership and heal trauma. It works at an energetic level to identify and resolve the underlying stress triggers to reduce stress, feel better and unlock your potential. It provides a precise, structured process to work through issues to regain clarity and make decisions from a more present state.

How Logosynthesis Can Help:

  1. Identifying and resolving triggers: Logosynthesis encourages you to explore the specific aspects of your job that bother you the most. Issue by issue, you can resolve the underlying trigger for immediate and sustained relief.
  2. Gaining clarity: As you work through the Logosynthesis process, you’ll likely experience a greater sense of clarity and objectivity. This newfound clarity can help you assess your job situation more accurately and identify potential solutions that you may not have considered before. 
  3. Exploring alternatives: When working with Logosynthesis, it can be common for issues to fall away. Something that bothered you, no longer bothers you. Yet some issues are complex and not easily resolved. If issues persist, Logosynthesis can guide you to explore alternative career paths or make changes within your current job to address the issues that bother you. It supports you in exploring creative solutions that align better with your values, strengths, and long-term goals.

Incorporating Logosynthesis into your routines:

Remember that this work is in the realm of feelings and energy. When you shift the energy, the feelings shift. This is not about ‘thinking’ solutions. It is about shifting your energy so you are not stuck in reactive patterns and your energy is available to think. Logosynthesis is not a one-time fix; it’s a practice that can be integrated into your daily routine to support your overall well-being. By dedicating regular time to work through reactive patterns and limiting beliefs, you develop a healthier mindset and a stronger foundation for making important life decisions.

Here’s how you can incorporate Logosynthesis into your lifestyle:

  1. Set aside dedicated time: Find a quiet and comfortable space without distractions. Set aside a specific time each day or week to engage in the Logosynthesis process.
  2. Follow the Basic Procedure: Familiarize yourself with the Logosynthesis process. There are various resources available, including books, workshops, and online materials, that can guide you through the process.
  3. Seek support if needed: While Logosynthesis can be practiced individually, it is beneficial to work with a trained Logosynthesis practitioner to provide additional guidance and address deeper issues.

“Should I quit my job?”

When contemplating whether to quit your job, it’s crucial to notice and resolve automatic, reactive patterns before making any hasty decisions. Logosynthesis offers a structured and effective approach to gaining clarity and resolving the underlying issues that bother you. Logosynthesis can empower you to make better decisions about your career.

Remember, quitting your job should not be the first step but rather the result of a thoughtful and deliberate process. By addressing the root causes of your dissatisfaction using Logosynthesis, you open up the possibility of finding resolution, whether it’s within your current job or through alternative paths. Ultimately, the decision to quit your job is a deeply personal one, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Logosynthesis is not the solution but it can be an invaluable resource in this process. With a greater sense of clarity and a deeper understanding of your needs, you’ll be better equipped to make a decision that aligns with your personal and professional goals.

Resources are available

It can take some practice and the support of a guide to resolve deeper, underlying issues but the technique remains the same. You can use this video, read the books, download the app and book a complementary call to get started.