What is the difference between truth and beliefs?

Truth and Beliefs: A Logosynthesis Perspective on Health and Wellbeing In the journey of work and life, understanding the difference between truth and beliefs is crucial. This distinction becomes particularly important when viewed through the lens of Logosynthesis, a model for healing and personal development. This coaching and psychotherapeutic model emphasizes the power of words to reduce stress, feel better and unlock your potential. By recognizing and differentiating between what is true and what is merely a belief, you are … Read More

How to change core beliefs using Logosynthesis.

Understanding Core Beliefs Core beliefs are deeply held assumptions or conclusions that you have acquired about yourself, others, and the world around you. These beliefs shape your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Often, negative or limiting core beliefs can lead to stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. What is Logosynthesis? Logosynthesis is a psychotherapeutic and coaching model designed to guide individuals to reduce stress and unlock potential. By identifying and resolving distressing mental imagery, there is an increased sense of … Read More

How to Stop Overreacting Using Logosynthesis.

It is common to struggle to stop overreacting in certain situations. Automatic reactions are a normal human response, whether it’s snapping at a loved one or feeling overwhelmed by a mistake at work. At times, the situation doesn’t warrant the intensity of the response. You may be left struggling to understand what just happened. You may even create excuses for your behaviour. These disproportionate responses can strain relationships and create unnecessary stress. One powerful coaching model to address this issue … Read More

Why am I so stressed?

It is common to ask “Why am I so stressed?” Feeling stressed has become a common experience in today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing world. As humans, our bodies and minds react to change. Many of us find ourselves struggling with thoughts, emotions and physical sensations that do not feel comfortable. Asking ourselves “Why am I so stressed?” can lead us to think that there is something wrong with us. Actually, your body and mind may be reacting the way it … Read More

How to overcome fear of public speaking using Logosynthesis

Fear of public speaking is normal. Let’s face it … almost everyone has a story about what they do to cope with the discomfort and fear of public speaking. Tough it out! Visualize! Exercise! Yet in the moment of delivering an important presentation … of having the opportunity to use our voice for maximum impact … automatic reactions hijack our best efforts. Profuse sweating. Flush faces. Quivering voices. Racing heartbeats. We may learn to live with it but we may … Read More

Preventing and resolving harassment in the workplace.

The challenge of demanding professions: Harassment in the workplace is a common issue because it is a result of reactive behaviour patterns. Thriving in demanding professions often requires professionals to navigate high-stress environments with poise and resilience. However, the intense pressures of these jobs can sometimes lead to reactive behaviors that, if unmanaged, may inadvertently contribute to a toxic workplace culture and even result in job loss. This article delves into the importance of self-awareness, maintaining professional boundaries, effective communication, … Read More

Should I quit my job? A Logosynthesis approach.

Introduction: Choosing whether or not to quit your job is a significant decision that can impact various aspects of your life. It’s crucial to approach this decision with a clear mind and a deep understanding of what truly bothers you about your current job. It is common for people to get stuck in reactive patterns of behaviours that get in the way of making the best decision possible. Before taking any drastic steps, it’s wise to explore potential resolutions and … Read More

Logosynthesis podcast for therapists and coaches.

An introduction to ‘Why Logosynthesis Works’ Podcast. This podcast for therapists and coaches highlights how Logosynthesis supports healing, healthy living & personal growth! Each episode offers insights from a certified Practitioner or Master Practitioner in Logosynthesis. They relate the model to their speciality of work.  Be sure to listen if you’re looking for a transformative model to support your clients’ healing and personal growth. Cathy Caswell is a Master Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis. She hosts this podcast to share … Read More

How to have better conversations.

Conversations can be stressful. Conversations can be especially difficult when it’s an important topic and each person has a firm position on the outcome they desire. Often, the conversation gets muddled with reactive behaviours, leading to a poor result. Logosynthesis offers a solution to better conversations. By guiding you to recognize what bothers you before you have the conversation, you are able to resolve the underlying triggers to stressful reactions. You are better able to approach the conversation from a … Read More

Watch Recordings from Logosynthesis Day 2023

Watch recordings from Logosynthesis Day 2023 This free, online conference held on January 11, 2023. The conference offered a wonderful opportunity so that we could come together to celebrate the anniversary of the model. It also offered education about how this model is being used in therapy, coaching and self-coaching. We are excited to offer the recordings of each session so that you can view any that you may have missed and/or watch presentations again. Please share the videos with … Read More

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