Identify and resolve the mental imagery that triggers your stress reactions using Logosynthesis!

Logosynthesis offers a model to guide you!

Logosynthesis is an integrative coaching & psychotherapeutic model that is being used internationally to support a wide range of issues, including healing trauma and leadership development. This model uses the power and intention of your words (energy) to identify and shift the underlying mental imagery (energy) for immediate and sustained relief of distressing symptoms (also energy). A peer-reviewed research study highlights immediate and lasting symptom relief.

I’m Cathy Caswell, a Master Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis. I have been using Logosynthesis for the past 10 years as a routine, healthy lifestyle practice. I also guide others who are experiencing a wide range of issues in work and life. I love the results!

Logosynthesis is a model that empowers you to:
– experience an increased sense of peace & calm
– gain confidence & clarity for decision making
– reduce stress & tension in relationships
– eliminate long-standing traumatic memories and phobias
– eliminate stress responses that damage physical and mental health
– relieve what bothers you in work and life.

Stressful patterns often don’t go away on their own but become more rigid with time. If you are ready to make meaningful shifts, this is a great place to start!

Cathy Caswell Logosynthesis

What people are saying!

“Exploring the Logosynthesis process with my guide Cathy Caswell has helped me cope with the challenges of a demanding career and the unexpected twists and turns of daily life. I feel more empowered and energized to seize the day.”
– Marie, Coaching Client-

“The most prevalent feeling is being so much more in flow.
Things are more fluid and unfolding easier at work.”
– Denise, participant in ‘Enjoy Life! App-Based Coaching Program –

I was able to release frozen energy around ‘should’s’ and procrastination. I experienced removing energy that was not mine and had been bothering me for a long time.
-Erin, ‘Unlock Potential! App-Based Coaching Program-

Let’s talk to discuss what you are looking for:

Don’t stay stuck in stressful patterns.

Download the free “Essence: Unlock Potential” app for free guided videos to apply Logosynthesis.

Use the guided video below!

Think of something that causes you distress.
– A bad memory stuck in your mind?
– Dealing with a difficult person?
– A fear of speaking in public?

Get in touch with the specific issue. Grab a glass of water, find a quiet place & allow 30 minutes to follow this video:

Get started with The Healthy Living Plan.

Stress is normal in work & life but you don’t need to stay stuck in stressful patterns.
The risks and costs are too high!

Stressful patterns seldom simply disappear but rather build over time.
My experience is that my health is too important to leave it to others to manage.
Whether you are interested in resolving personal or organizational challenges, you can get started right away here at The Healthy Living Plan!