When the cows come first.

Work can often take priority over pleasure I know that the cows come first. I was raised on a beautiful, busy dairy farm. Everyone had an important role to play, whether it was milking cows or cooking supper or simply waiting for a load of hay to arrive at the barn so that we could quickly unload before the rain. We had lots of time to play but we clearly understood, the cows came first. Putting cows first is understandable … Read More

Feel better by self-coaching using Logosynthesis

It is normal to react to situations in everyday life Self-coaching puts you in the driver’s seat. You learn how to notice what bothers you and take action to feel better and to achieve your goals. You are human and in everyday life you make choices. Also, you react to what happens around you. At times, these reactions can impact your health or get in the way of what is important. While this is normal, learning to resolve memories and … Read More