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Culture. In our hearts and soul.

The Healthy Living Plan Culture Logosynthesis

‘A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.’
– Mahatma Ghandi – 

Supporting health at the level of ‘hearts and soul’.

Humans can feel the power of ‘hearts and souls’ through music, dance and prayer. Humans come together to connect, mourn and celebrate in life’s most meaningful moments. This energy supports healthy living.

Humans can also feel stuck in their lives because of painful memories, limiting beliefs and fantasies about life. This ‘stuck’ energy limits a sense of health and wellbeing. The experiences can happen to one person or many people. And the intensity of the experiences determine the impact on the collective culture.

The Healthy Living Plan uses a model called Logosynthesis to support ‘hearts and souls’ to heal and develop. 

Guiding people to develop using an energetic model.

In our society, we value the brain to think our way to solutions. Many corporate diversity and inclusion programs focus on telling us what to do and often, how to do it. You know what you should do. Yet in the moment of working with someone with different attitudes and beliefs, ‘knowing’ is not enough because feelings and emotion take the driver’s seat. 

Rather than fight with the feelings, you can shift the underlying energetic triggers. You will feel a greater sense of calm and clarity to allow for better conversations. When you feel calmer, those around you will feel calmer. When the tension falls away, you are better able to see a broader perspective and the actual issue. Your energy is available to focus on the tasks at hand. You are better able to come together with others to work towards mutual goals. 

The Healthy Living Plan can guide your development.

It is not easy to recognize your own patterns! The Healthy Living Plan offers a structured process to guide your work. Working at an individual level, as your energy shifts you will notice that the culture also shifts. One layer at a time, you will notice more ease and harmony in work and in life. Of course, you will continue to experience tension as you move forward in life, but you will be able to recognize that you don’t need to stay stuck in stressful patterns. You have the power to shift your energy and shift the culture. You benefit. Those around you benefit.

Get started now using Logosynthesis to support culture.

Check out these resources to get you started. You can also watch the guided video below to experience what can shift. Firstly, grab a glass of water and find a quiet, uninterrupted place. Allow at least 30 minutes so that you are not rushed. And then, simply follow my guidance on the video. Energy shifts can feel subtle or intense, so take some time to notice what shifts over the next few days and weeks. Enjoy!

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