Books to help you thrive and enjoy life.
To learn more about Logosynthesis, it can be helpful to understand it from an everyday, practical application. In my books, I share my personal experience as a successful professional working in the food industry and volunteering in my community. This included navigating the many responsibilities and joys of work and life. Also, based on my professional training in Logosynthesis, I offer an introduction to Logosynthesis® theory in everyday terms.
As a busy working mom, I used Logosynthesis® to resolve what bothered me. I also used it to guide others to relieve stress in their everyday lives. What I have discovered is that stress and anxiety fell away to create a sense of ease and clarity to take more meaningful action. Whether dealing with everyday issues or healing from traumas, Logosynthesis® can support you. In effect, it can be learned to resolve limiting beliefs, painful memories and fearful fantasies to feel better. In these challenging and uncertain times, you will benefit when you learn to recognize and resolve your own reactions. As you shift focus from changing your situation to changing your reactions to your situation, you create space to enjoy life more fully and to thrive in our times. And in the process, you create space for change to occur.
You can order these books online at your favourite retailer:
More books about Logosynthesis
“Discover Logosynthesis: The Power of Words in Healing and Development” (Lammers, 2020) and “Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety And Toxic Stress In Just A Few Minutes Using Only Words” (Weiss, 2016) are also highly recommended as an introductory to Logosynthesis®.There are an increasing number of books available on this topic by the founder of Logosynthesis, Dr. Willem Lammers. You can find a complete list of books here:
Read more about my books:
Thriving In Our Times: From Reactions to Action Using Logosynthesis®
There is no doubt that we are living in challenging and uncertain times. We all react to what is happening around us although we are often not aware of how it affects us and those around us. Our frozen perceptions trigger frozen reactions. In other words, images and sounds can get stuck in our space and create intense feelings and automatic responses. When we learn how to recognize our reactions and use them as information to resolve what bothers us, we are better able to act. We feel better and those around us feel better.
In this book, I show you why and how to use Logosynthesis® to support your everyday living, in your family, workplace and community. You will learn what it feels like to thrive in our times!
Logosynthesis®: Enjoying Life More Fully
When life gets busy and demands get urgent, it can be challenging to focus on what is important in our lives. In the moment, our desire to breathe deeply and relax is overruled by our belief that we need to control, to change, or to act on the situation. We need to fix things. We are operating on patterns that serve us well in normal times, but can easily derail us during times of change.
In this book, I share my introduction to Logosynthesis®. I also offer an overview of the common barriers to using the method. The book includes several stories of how I used Logosynthesis® in my everyday life. This includes feeling pressure to do it all at work; losing my cool as a parent; frustration in a relationship and helping a friend resolve a familiar, pounding headache (something which has not recurred to this day!)
Learn how to thrive and enjoy life!
So you can order these and other books about Logosynthesis® from your favourite book retailer including Chapters; Amazon.com and Amazon.ca. You can also get started by using the Logosynthesis® Basic Procedure in guided videos: