State of the Art of Logosynthesis
The State of the Art of Logosynthesis® is a summary document about Logosynthesis® as a model for healing and development. Each year, Dr. Willem Lammers, updates this document and makes it available publicly. The document includes an overview of the theory and methods, as well as the latest developments on his part and in the Logosynthesis® community. The results is a comprehensive overview of Logosynthesis!
The outline:
1. The Logosynthesis® definition 2024
2. Logosynthesis® theory
3. Logosynthesis® methods
4. Applications
5. Training and certification
6. Institute and Brand
7. Books and publications
8. Social media, websites & apps
9. The Association
10. Research
11. Current issues
12. The community
13. On my own behalf
14. A summary