Stress responses are triggered by memories and beliefs.
Most people experience memories and beliefs in the form of mental images, sounds and other sensory perceptions. In the scientific world, these sensory perceptions are called mental imagery. Research is being done to better understand their link to emotions. We also know this mental imagery is energy-based. Distressing mental imagery, such as in PTSD, is associated with distressing thoughts, emotions and physical sensations. This also shows up as stress in our everyday lives.
“I can’t do this!” “I’m so worried!” “My heart is pounding!”
The Logosynthesis sentences shifts the energy in memories and beliefs.
Willem Lammers, the founder of Logosynthesis®, has developed a model to identify and resolve distressing memories, limiting beliefs and fearful fantasies. The model uses the power of words to shift the energy for immediate and sustained relief. The Logosynthesis® sentences are currently available in many languages. Also, you don’t need to understand how the sentences work to experience the benefits. The work occurs one issue at a time. It can take practice and the guidance of a trained professional to specifically identify the underlying mental imagery that is triggering the specific stress response.
The Logosynthesis sentences are:
- Sentence 1: I retrieve all my energy bound up in this (X) and take it to the right place in my Self.
- Sentence 2: I remove all non-me energy related to this (X) from all of my cells, all of my body and my personal space, and send it to where it truly belongs.
- Sentence 3: I retrieve all of my energy bound up in all of my reactions to this (X) and take it to the right place in my Self.
So you may be curious about the nature and meaning of the three sentences. In essence, words focus the speaker’s intention and their will to create. As evident in the powerful speeches of world leaders and in music, the vibration of words is important. Specifically, the words shift how we feel on an energetic level. In this situation, the words are spoken aloud and there is a pause between each sentence to allow the energy to shift from the trigger (X). Also, as the energy shifts, the trigger dissolves and your energy, once again, becomes available to you. You will feel calmer and have more energy. In effect, the mental imagery and the associated stress response does not come back.
The Healthy Living Plan can help you use Logosynthesis to feel better
The Healthy Living Plan® is dedicated to show you why and how to use Logosynthesis® to shift your energy for healthy living! With routine use, you will experience more energy for what is important in your life. By addressing issues as they arise, you will notice meaningful results.
The Logosynthesis sentences are the same each time, however it can take guidance and practice to be able to identify the underlying triggers. It can be very beneficial to take a course and get help from an experienced Practitioner in Logosynthesis® to learn how to properly use the technique.
Many people want a coach or a counsellor to guide them through the process. Others are interested in learning how to use it for self-coaching. Either way, we offer resources to guide you to benefit from this healthy lifestyle practice.
Get started now to reduce stress, feel better and unlock your potential!
If you’re looking to shift stressful, reactive patterns your everyday life, you need to commit to resolving the underlying energetic triggers. We can help you get started right away: