Logosynthesis Day 2025 | Presenters

What is Logosynthesis Day?

Logosynthesis Day is a free, online conference to share how Logosynthesis® is being used to support healing & personal development. A wide range of topics are being presented to demonstrate how this integrative model is being used to support healing trauma, leadership development, burnout prevention, resolving limiting beliefs, relieving anxiety for teens, personal growth, anger management, forgiveness, adapting to limitations related to injury & aging and more.

Conference Details:
January 11, 2025
17:00 – 20:00 CET (Zurich)
Online via Zoom (Link provided upon registation)
Recordings will be sent post-conference to all registered participants.
Check your local time here.
Details and registrations available in the ‘Register Now’ button:

Conference Agenda:

Logosynthesis® Day 2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025
5-8pm CET (Zurich)

5:00-5:15pm: Welcome & Introductions

5:15-6:00pm Logosynthesis® in Action: Part 1
(Concurrent Sessions; You will choose 1 of 8)

-Time & Logosynthesis®: From Lack to Abundance
-Exhausted by Emotional Overwhelm? Discover How Logosynthesis® Can Set You Free
-Dissolve Blocks, Win more Clients: Enhance you Business with Logosynthesis®
-Logosynthesis® to Help Set Healthy Boundaries

-Brennen Statt Ausbrennan
-Logosynthese® & das Schwarze Loch: Dissoziationen auf physischer, mentaler & spiritueller Ebene

-De retour sur le vélo avec la Logosynthèse®


-La bellezza di Essere Me

6:00-6:10pm Break & Transition

6:10-6:40pm Caring For Body, Mind & Spirit with Logosynthesis®:
Insights from Dr. Willem Lammers

6:40-6:50 Next Steps with Logosynthesis®

6:50-6:55 Transition

6:55-7:40pm Logosynthesis® in Action: Part 2
(Concurrent Sessions; You will choose 1 of 9)

-An Introduction to Logosynthesis® to Care for Body, Mind & Spirit
-Resolving Adverse Childhood Experiences with Logosynthesis®
-Logosynthesis® and Expanded Abilities Demonstration
-Healing and Logosynthesis® – Forgiveness

-Eine Eine Körper-Selbstheilungsblockade mit Logosynthese® lösen
-Tschüss, Glaubenssatz-Monster, Hallo Freiheit und Leichtigkeit

-Wie Mobbing dein Erwachsenenleben prägt – Mit Logosynthese® Spuren der Schulzeit lösen

-Utiliser Logosynthèse® pour aider à établir des limites saines


-Di nuovo in sella con la Logosintesi®: Trasformare ricordi e convinzioni per fare ciò che ami

7:40-7:50pm Closing

7:50-8:00pm Meet & Greet in Breakout Rooms
(You will choose your preferred language)

How to register for Logosynthesis Day 2025:

Conference agenda, topic presentations and registration is available here:

About the Committee and Presenters:

Logosynthesis® International Association (LIA) Communications Committee is a volunteer committee organizing this conference. Topic presenters are also volunteering their expertise as certified Practitioners, Master Practitioners, Instructors and/or Trainers. They share information as it relates to their work in the fields of psychotherapy, therapy, counseling, coaching, education or other professional fields of guided change. 

For further information: