How to deal with food cravings

How to deal with food cravings.

Do you experience food cravings?

Food cravings can certainly offer comfort in the moment. Yet the ‘feel good’ feeling doesn’t usually last long. Feelings of guilt, shame and discomfort are normal. There can be a lot of negative consequences to food cravings. Many so-called comfort foods are low in nutrient value and high in sugar, fat and caffeine. This can affect your mood, your weight, and other aspects of your health. The more you give in to the craving, the more guilt and discomfort you may experience. The common response is to work hard to change the unwanted behaviour however this can add increased pressure to an already challenging situation. Over time, the effects can be quite damaging to your health and wellness.

Pay attention to the authorities you hear.

I trained as a dietitian and I was aware of the impact of ‘should’ on wellbeing. There are many messages in the media and from persons in positions of authority that provide direction on what we ‘should’ eat. From my experience in counselling on healthy eating, most individuals knew that they should eat healthy foods but this was not reflected in their actual food choices. There was a disconnect between what they knew and their behaviour. They were reacting to something that got in the way of making desired choices.

I could certainly relate in these experiences. As a dietitian, there were a lot of things that I knew I shouldn’t do but I did them anyway. My attempts to change my eating behaviours seemed to strengthen the reactive power of the ‘should’. I learned that to help people feel empowered to change damaging eating habits, they required more than knowledge. It wasn’t until I was introduced to Logosynthesis, developed by Dr. Willem Lammers, that I was able to recognize a solution.

Acknowledge that your body responds.

Food cravings are often installed as a result of traumatic experiences early in life. The triggers are energetic and you may not even be aware of the impact. The food craving can be the result of painful childhood events. Perhaps you felt alone or isolated. Perhaps you did not feel safe. Also, perhaps your parents were struggling to get by. You may also have been conditioned to be strong and to power through these difficult situations. This can work well for a time yet it doesn’t resolve the underlying triggers. Although you may have been successful in blocking the experiences from your thinking mind, these triggers can continue to have a powerful energetic influence on your thoughts, emotions and physical body.

You can resolve the blocks using Logosynthesis

Logosynthesis® can help you deal with food cravings by guiding you to heal limiting beliefs and painful memories. Rather than focusing on changing the unwanted behaviour, the method gently guides you to resolve the energy that is frozen in the triggers – one layer at a time. By identifying what bothers you now, you are guided to connect with the distressing thoughts, emotions and physical sensations. At this point, you can identify sensory perceptions that arise and apply the Logosynthesis® sentences. As is common with learning anything new, this can take practice, coaching and training. The method can be learned for self-coaching to support you in resolving a wide variety of issues.

Many people prefer to be guided in the process with a trained professional because they are not interested in learning the method or they suffer from deeper issues involving childhood trauma. To support my everyday wellness, I use a combination of self-coaching and working with a guide. Logosynthesis® can help you to deal with food cravings by resolving the triggers one layer at a time to help you feel better. Here are some resources to get you started: