It can be challenging to stop being a reactive parent.
Do you struggle to stop being a reactive parent? I believe we all want to be good parents but what we hold in our heads and our hearts isn’t always in line with the behaviour we exhibit.
As parents, we hold fantasies of how our children should be based on our beliefs and past experiences. And when things aren’t as we had imagined, we react. Often we are not even aware of what triggers our reactions.
What are some of our wishes and fantasies? ‘My child will be the best athlete or the smartest student.’ ‘My child will not be sick or hurt.’ ‘They won’t be bullied.’ ‘They’ll do as I say.’ ‘My child will eat all the right foods.’ ‘My child will be popular.’ The list goes on. Although these items are very general, it is our unique past experiences that create energy structures that dictate our reactions.
How do we feel when they are not the superstar we imagined or our children do not match our fantasy of how they should behave? We experience emotions of shame, guilt, fear or anger. As a parent, I have certainly experienced reactions that were not appropriate for the occasion. I have tried yoga, meditation and exercise to be less reactive. Also, I know to get lots of sleep and eat healthy. I recognize that I am more apt to lose my cool when I am tired and hungry, such as when I used to pick up the girls at day care after a long day at work. Keeping my body and mind strong is important but very predictably, certain events triggered very similar reactions each time. No matter how deep the breath I took, my rational thought was pushed to the background.
Logosynthesis offers a model to resolve stress triggers.
Here is where Logosynthesis has been unique and an extremely effective coaching and self-coaching model for me. Stress management tools work at controlling my stress. Logosynthesis presents a very simple, unique system that effectively dissolves the energy that triggers my stress. Through a series of sentences which retrieves my energy and remove energy that doesn’t belong to me, the energy structure is dissolved so there is no longer anything to trigger my reaction. The technique allows me to effectively neutralize my reactions!
I have come to realize that I hold many wishes and fantasies about how I ‘should’ parent my children. Also, I realize that my reactions to the fact that reality does not match these fantasies cause me and my family stress. I haven’t been able to dissolve all the triggers with one set of sentences but I am certainly more aware of my reactions as they occur. Periodically, I find quiet time to explore what happened and use Logosynthesis to clear my energy. For me, it has been fascinating to experience the results and although I still have triggers to work on, I have noticed some remarkable shifts both myself and my children.
Get started using Logosynthesis to stop being a reactive parent.
Check out these resources to get you started. You can also watch the guided video below to experience what can shift. Firstly, grab a glass of water and find a quiet, uninterrupted place. Allow at least 30 minutes so that you are not rushed. And then, simply follow my guidance on the video. Energy shifts can feel subtle or intense, so take some time to notice what shifts over the next few days and weeks. Enjoy!