Resources are available to support your healthy living:
We are human. It is normal to experience stress. But you don’t need to stay stuck in stressful patterns. You can learn to shift stress triggers for immediate and sustained relief. More of your energy is available for what is important in your life.
The links below can help you appreciate how The Healthy Living Plan and Logosynthesis® can be used to reduce stress, feel better and unlock your potential. Discover the power of learning to shift how you react in everyday situations – both your actions and feelings. Take some time to explore these resources to gain an understanding of how you can be empowered to support your health and wellbeing.
App-Based Remote Coaching:
Get started with free content in the ‘Enjoy Life! Kickoff portion of the app. You can access on your favourite device.
YouTube Channels:
Learn how professionals are working with the model and start practicing for yourself:
Discover the model and how it supports healing and development for a healthy lifestyle:
Thriving In Our Times: From Reactions to Action using Logosynthesis® (Caswell, 2020)
Logosynthesis®: Enjoying Life More Fully (Caswell, 2017)
Discover Logosynthesis®: The Power of Words in Healing and Development (Lammers, 2020)
Alone to Alive: Logosynthesis® and the Energy of Beliefs (Lammers, 2021)
Sparks At Dawn: Awakening With Logosynthesis® (Lammers, 2020)
Reclaiming Your Energy From Your Emotions: States Of The Mind In Logosynthesis® (Lammers, 2020)
Minute Miracles: The Practice of Logosynthesis® (Lammers, 2019)
Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety and Toxic Stress in Just a Few Minutes Using Only Words (Weiss, 2016)
Embrace Prosperity: Resolve Blocks to Experiencing Abundance (Weiss and Lammers, 2020)
Self-Coaching With Logosynthesis®: How The Power of Words Can Change Your Life (Lammers, 2015)
Logosynthesis® – Healing With Words: A Handbook For The Helping Professions (Lammers, 2015)
Willy and the Little Monsters (Nordemann, 2021 in French, Italian, English & German)
Klaar met Piekeren (Douma, 2021 in Dutch)
Stress Free in School and Studies (Egger & Blauel, 2020 in German)
Leading from Essence (Bruckhaus, 2023 in German)
Cancer Opportunities: Support Your Healing With Logosynthesis® (Douma, 2023)
Damn You Anxiety: Using Logosynthesis® to Manage Life’s Challenges. (O’Donoghue & Nordemann, 2023)
In these interviews, I describe how this model supported my health and wellbeing during a busy time in my life.
Cathy Caswell – Hay House Radio Interview (December 2018)
Cathy Caswell – CTV Interview (January 2018)
Learn about the theory, professional accreditation and how the model can support your goals:
The Origin of Logosynthesis® – Dr. Willem Lammers
Logosynthesis® International Association
Logosynthesis® International Association (LIA):
LIA is an international, independent, non-profit association based in Switzerland. It is dedicated to certification, quality and further development of the model:
Professionals in Logosynthesis
Upcoming Seminars in Logosynthesis
What professionals are saying:
Learn why and how the model is being used in the fields of guided change:
Thriving In Our Times Using Logosynthesis: Interviews with coaches, counsellors and therapists.
Understanding the Effectiveness of Logosynthesis® (Abstract)
Understanding the Effectiveness of Logosynthesis® (Survey Summary, January 2020)
Comparing Logosynthesis® and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) (Survey November 2018)
Developing the Base of Evidence for Logosynthesis:
A summary of the current base of evidence and a poster presentation of a pilot efficacy study:
Developing the Base of Evidence for Logosynthesis® (The Healthy Living Plan, 2023)
The State of the Art of Logosynthesis:
A up-to-date summary of the model:
The State of the Art of Logosynthesis® 2022 (Lammers, 2022)