I can breathe

Grief can feel overwhelming I love the change in season from winter to spring. The days are longer, the sun is warmer and the colours are more vibrant. Yet not everyone is in a position to look forward with anticipation. I was speaking with a colleague yesterday who was struggling with moving forward since her mother passed away before Christmas, at the beginning of winter. ‘I want to be on pause’. She was connecting with a sense of not wanting … Read More

Prepare your toolbox for when life happens.

Are you ready for when life happens? I have been working on my personal development for a long time. I am versed in stress management, physical fitness, healthy eating, parenting techniques and the list goes on but even with knowing what I needed to do, I still reacted to the same things the same way.   With the introduction of Logosynthesis, the triggers that normally cause me to react no longer have the same effect.  I believe I have lots to … Read More