Unlock your potential in 2023.

It is common to think that you need to ‘change’ yourself or your situation to achieve your potential. But what if you already possess your full potential? What if your work is to simply shift the memories and beliefs that get in the way of realizing this potential?  Rather than expending energy to change yourself and others, you simply notice and shift the triggers to your stress response. The result is that more of your energy is available to act … Read More

How to realize your potential using Logosynthesis

Realize your potential in work and life. Healthy living is not about running the furthest or looking the best.  It is about enjoying life with vigour and engaging in meaningful relationships.  It is about finding peace, contentment and fulfillment right where we are.  In order to do this, we need to acknowledge that emotional events from the past shape how we see the here and now.  They trigger feelings of fear the future and pain about the past.  They limit … Read More