How to manage life transitions using Logosynthesis

It can be stressful to manage life transitions. We all look to manage life transitions and these transitions are not always comfortable. This morning I read a post written by Dr. Willem Lammers, the founder of Logosynthesis, on work he is developing in the area of life transitions. As always, I am interested in applying the concepts to my everyday life.  Top of mind is the current labour dispute between government and the teachers union in Nova Scotia. Here are some thoughts for consideration: … Read More

Overwhelmed! Let’s listen.

The teachers in Nova Scotia have been telling us they are overwhelmed and they want change! Their union has been negotiating with our government to come to an agreement to improve working conditions. In the interim, students, parents and taxpayers are not feeling their needs are being met. When it comes to educating our children and future leaders, we all have strong beliefs about what is required. I am offering my perspective based on what I have been hearing: Teachers are … Read More

Ignite your Spirit using Logosynthesis

It is common to get stuck in life’s routines. It can be challenging to ignite your spirit when you are stuck in routines and stressful patterns. Yet, by paying attention and learning how to shift the energy in these patterns, we can make meaningful shifts. My summer has been much like any other. Great trips to visit family, connecting with friends, watching my daughters’ soccer games, playing catch up at work and enjoying quiet moments by the lake. This year, … Read More

How to not let things bother you and overreact.

In life, it can be common for things to bother you and to overreact. I am not proud of the fact that I tend to overreact when things bother me.  I have worked very hard over the years to manage my reactions using some highly recommended techniques: These techniques help me cope. They help make body and mind stronger. They help build my resilience to push on and do more. But things still happen that annoy and frustrate me. Things trigger … Read More

Spiritual health starts from within.

Spiritual health is an important part of your overall health. Spiritual health is one of four dimensions to well-being as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), which include physical, social, and mental. Although spiritual health was not included in their initial definition of health in 1946, it has evolved to recognize that “the spiritual dimension plays a great role in motivating people’s achievements in all aspects of life”. The complete description of the spiritual dimension as articulated by the World Health Assembly in 1984 through … Read More

I know I am right, so why should I change?

As I reflect on my conversations around Logosynthesis, I recognize that we often hold a great deal of emotion in our beliefs. The stronger the emotion, the more adamant we are that we are right and the stronger the conviction to get others to change.  Consider how the following statements may be limiting: I don’t get along well with others because they have issues. I am not the one who needs personal development work. My frustration at work is due to other people not … Read More

What to do when work is overwhelming.

When work is overwhelming, stress can lead to burnout. I admit that my job can overwhelm me at times. I have been in the same position for the past 10+ years.  As the demands increase and the systems change in my role continually increases, I have difficulty keeping up with the workload.  I feel like I am playing ‘pop-a-mole’.  The faster I work, the further behind I get.  My computer doesn’t respond fast enough and new systems continue to add process.  I work to get everything … Read More

How to stop being the reactive parent using Logosynthesis

It can be challenging to stop being a reactive parent. Do you struggle to stop being a reactive parent? I believe we all want to be good parents but what we hold in our heads and our hearts isn’t always in line with the behaviour we exhibit. As parents, we hold fantasies of how our children should be based on our beliefs and past experiences.  And when things aren’t as we had imagined, we react.  Often we are not even aware of … Read More

Try a new approach to healthy living!

A curiosity and interest to support healthy living. My background is based on a career as a dietitian. As a dietitian, I had a focus on healthy lifestyle practices. Food. Exercise. Meditation. But there was always something missing. How to resolve the triggers to stressful reactive patterns?   I have an MBA and organizational behaviour theory certainly plays a role. However, this is conversation is not about degrees and certificates.  I have a lot of experience with volunteer organizations and a … Read More

Breaking the cycle of reactive parenting using Logosynthesis.

Losing my cool as a parent! I am not proud to admit that I can get stuck in ‘reactive parenting’ mode. As a parent, I truly want to do a great job raising my children. However, I admit that I get stressed.  I have been known to raise my voice and lose my cool when things don’t go as I feel they should.  I know what I should be doing and how to do it but in the moment, all … Read More

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