Two Truths Call For Growth.

Growth comes from being able to resolve two conflicting truths. Our reactions provide us with information that allows us to resolve our frozen perceptions, also known as our beliefs. Redefining Truth. Our simple definition for ‘truth’ as a fact or reality is closed, exclusive and reactive. It does not support growth, inclusiveness or creativity. According to Merriam-Webster, an additional definition is a judgment or idea that is true or accepted as true.  Judgment is defined as a formal utterance of … Read More

Peace and calm.

In a changing world, we can struggle to feel peace and calm On this 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day, we are moved to remember. Each of us in our own way, with our own stories and also, with our own past. What we know is that somewhere in all of the fighting was a desire for peace and calm for our families and future generations. And as we now stand here on November 11, 2018, the world is changing so … Read More

Learning how to heal trauma.

Recognizing our natural reactions. Trauma. My natural reaction to the word is to close in, back away and shut up. It is not comfortable for me to talk about suffering and I don’t like to talk about things that are not comfortable. I was born into a culture and a family where we didn’t spend a lot of time talking about our emotions or our reactions. And so, I learned to be resilient. I handed my suffering to God and … Read More

What if? A paradigm shift.

What if we can relieve our distress rather than working so hard to cope? Embracing a paradigm shift from working so hard to cope with our stressors to learning how to relieve distress is powerful. We live our life and events happen. We react with a wide range of emotion, depending on the nature of the event. Distress is a combination of emotions, sensations and thoughts that result in a feeling of discomfort. We may notice that we get stuck … Read More

Students First? Let’s Calm Reactive Behaviour.

We are undergoing immense change and uncertainty. Certainly we all want to put students first. Yet look around and it is easy to recognize an escalation in the pace of change and uncertainty that is resulting in a shift in focus away from students. All of our systems are feeling the pressure of adapting to intense uncertainty and the external demands often exceed the ability to cope, resulting in breakdown. Schools feel the intensity every day, as children arrive with … Read More

A preferred treatment for anxiety – Logosynthesis

Anxiety is common in Canada. Individuals are looking for a preferred treatment for anxiety. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, mood and/or anxiety disorders are common and individuals are active in learning more about the condition: In 2013, an estimated 3 million Canadians (11.6%) aged 18 years or older reported that they had a mood and/or anxiety disorder. Most people with mood and/or anxiety disorder(s) are currently taking, or have taken, prescription medication(s) (93%), but few (20%) have received … Read More

Love and kindness.

Love and kindness as feelings. Love and kindness. Consider these words as feelings rather than choices. Then we can recognize the sensations as coming from the heart and not the head. When we feel love and kindness, we experience sensations in our body, generally in the area of our heart.  We often see a person or hear a voice that triggers these sensations. Different people will trigger varying degrees of intensity of emotion. And we will feel different sensations in … Read More

The Wonder of Wonder. Reframing our Beliefs with Logosynthesis®.

We like to take action by fixing things and solving problems. Fixing and solving can be more of a reaction than action. These reactions are triggered by beliefs about the way things ‘should’ be done. We can challenge these beliefs using Logosynthesis® to enjoy more ease and wonder in our everyday life. We live in a culture where we are praised for having passion to do things right and to do the right things. The more demanding the situation, the harder … Read More

Global Health. Individual Wellbeing.

We aspire to care for others. Global health. Individual wellbeing. We are born into this world with aspirations to make it a better place for all. We care about the kid next door and the family halfway around the globe. We want everyone to be happy and healthy. Our career aspirations often involve the caring and healing professions. We want to take away pain and suffering for all. We have the capacity to love and we want to love everyone. … Read More

Resistance and #Canada150.

Creating space for growth. Resistance is part of change and growth. As our country is aglow with Canada150 celebrations, we see a strong message emerge, symbolized by erection of a tipi on Parliament Hill. Not all is comfortable in our land! What if we had a coaching model that would allow us to acknowledge these feelings of discomfort and also, release the energy in these reactions? This would allow us to create a space for growth. While Canada150 is a … Read More

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