Preventing and resolving harassment in the workplace.

The challenge of demanding professions: Harassment in the workplace is a common issue because it is a result of reactive behaviour patterns. Thriving in demanding professions often requires professionals to navigate high-stress environments with poise and resilience. However, the intense pressures of these jobs can sometimes lead to reactive behaviors that, if unmanaged, may inadvertently contribute to a toxic workplace culture and even result in job loss. This article delves into the importance of self-awareness, maintaining professional boundaries, effective communication, … Read More

How to deal with distressing news stories using Logosynthesis

News stories can create distressing memories. Stories are powerful. They offer details to help you think about and understand the situation and the people. They also create powerful mental imagery that activates your feelings and emotions. In the news, these stories are often delivered with very graphic details to catch and hold your attention. When you create vivid mental imagery as a result of the story, it can create a lasting, emotional impact. Some of these stories make you feel … Read More

How to deal with relationship anxiety using Logosynthesis.

Relationships can be a source of anxiety and stress. Relationships can be beautiful and fulfilling aspects of our lives, but they can also be a source of anxiety and stress. Relationship anxiety, often characterized by insecurity, fear of rejection, or constant worrying about the future of your partnership, can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. Strategies to support your well-being include: self-awareness; open communication; self-care practices; healthy boundaries and professional help.  Logosynthesis is a coaching and therapy … Read More

How to relieve fear of bedtime monsters using Logosynthesis

Bedtime monsters can add stress to the end of your day. Bedtime can often transform from a tranquil routine to a battleground of fears for both parents and their little ones. As children’s imaginations run wild, bedtime monsters and shadows on the wall can take on a life of their own, causing unnecessary anxiety and sleepless nights. One effective approach to conquer these fears and create a serene bedtime environment is to use Logosynthesis. In this blog post, we’ll explore … Read More

Calming stress & anxiety from wildfires using Logosynthesis

Wildfires can be devastating. As the world grapples with the escalating effects of climate change, wildfires have become a distressing reality for many. The devastation caused by these infernos goes beyond physical damage, affecting mental health and especially emotional well-being. Coping with the stress and anxiety brought on by wildfires is a challenge, but one effective approach to finding relief is through Logosynthesis. In this blog post, I will share information on Logosynthesis so that you can use it right … Read More

How to reduce stress while driving using Logosynthesis.

Driving can feel stressful. Summer road trips and drives to the cottage can lead to fun times but they can also be a source stress en route. Heavy traffic, construction and casual drivers can be a source of anxiety and tension.  However, it can also be a significant source of stress for many people. Rushing to get to your destination or to get home after a relaxing weekend can cancel the lower stress levels of your holidays. However, if you … Read More

How to relieve workplace stress using Logosynthesis

Workplace stress is normal. Workplaces bring together a wide variety of people for a common goal. They operate in a changing and uncertain world. This contrast is not always comfortable. People will do things differently from you. Priorities of others will not be the same as yours. Goals and targets may require you to stretch beyond a comfort zone. This contrast can spark growth and accomplishment. Yet all of these situations will trigger an automatic stress response for you. Over … Read More

Should I quit my job? A Logosynthesis approach.

Introduction: Choosing whether or not to quit your job is a significant decision that can impact various aspects of your life. It’s crucial to approach this decision with a clear mind and a deep understanding of what truly bothers you about your current job. It is common for people to get stuck in reactive patterns of behaviours that get in the way of making the best decision possible. Before taking any drastic steps, it’s wise to explore potential resolutions and … Read More

How to create work-life balance using Logosynthesis

Shifting your energy to create work-life balance: We often work hard to achieve work-life balance – both a fulfilling personal life and a meaningful career. As we strive to be successful in all areas of life, we often encounter challenges that get in the way of ‘balance’. Logosynthesis, a transformative coaching model developed by Dr. Willem Lammers, offers a unique perspective and precise technique to address these challenges. By shifting limiting beliefs and memories, Logosynthesis can help professionals find inner … Read More

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