How can we support multiculturalism?

Celebrating our diversity. We are truly a mosaic worth celebrating!  And there is an important role to support multiculturalism. This year, we celebrate an important milestone in Canada’s history, marking 150 years as a nation. Strong and free. Humble and proud. We are keenly aware that our cities, towns and rural communities were both carved from the wilderness and overtake from communities native to this land. All to create a space for a vision we know as Canada. What has … Read More

Faith in Leadership

Our Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a special, private meeting with Pope Francis yesterday. Listening to his interview following their conversation, it was evident that he was deeply moved by the personal, reflective discussion. I understand that there is  a great deal of pressure and scrutiny on our leaders to say the right things and to have the right look. They need to be warm, friendly and authentic but not ‘too’ warm and friendly because that is not authentic. … Read More

Can we be strong and still let go?

Let go to create space for success. I am strong and successful. I have worked hard for what I have and for what is important to me. Things haven’t always gone my way but I have carried on. That is not an option. But I have also come to realize the beauty in being able to let go. I have come to realize that by letting go, we can create a space for success. Life happens but we can still let go. Life … Read More

Believe. The Power of a Word.

Think for a moment about the power in the word ‘believe’. To know something with confidence yet without proof. How do you know with confidence? You feel it. Your experience tells you it is so. Your culture embraces it. At times, we are extremely passionate about our beliefs. We work hard to convince others that we are right. We are prepared to fight for our beliefs. We feel discomfort and fear when our life is not as we believe it should … Read More

Beyond courage. Freedom.

I would like to write something profound today as I bring one phase of my career to a close and open the door to something new and unknown. The word that has been capturing my attention lately is ‘courage’. The ability to do something that frightens one. There are lots of quotes on courage from Nelson Mandela to Winston Churchill, with the encouragement to draw on our strength in an effort to overcome our failures and achieve success. As life happens, … Read More

My uncles: Mentors to challenge my beliefs.

Mentors offer valuable guidance to navigate work and life. Mentors can provide a valuable role to navigate the challenges and opportunities of both work and life. They can fill a number of roles, such as a role model, teacher, counsellor, advisor, sponsor, advocate and ally. These roles create a space for you to learn and to grow. As a busy, working parent, I was keenly interested in both leadership and personal development. I had read lots of books and tried … Read More

How to manage life transitions using Logosynthesis

It can be stressful to manage life transitions. We all look to manage life transitions and these transitions are not always comfortable. This morning I read a post written by Dr. Willem Lammers, the founder of Logosynthesis, on work he is developing in the area of life transitions. As always, I am interested in applying the concepts to my everyday life.  Top of mind is the current labour dispute between government and the teachers union in Nova Scotia. Here are some thoughts for consideration: … Read More

Stances: Our Premier vs. Our Teachers

Tension leads to stances: As tension escalates on contract negotiations between the teachers union and the government, the public is left feeling very angry and confused. The situation is reactive and irrational. The latest straw to fuel another work-to-rule mandate was our premier’s ‘clarification’ that the teachers two ‘new’ days off were for marking and classroom preparation. So I view this as new material to apply and I have identified the importance of stances, defined as a way of thinking about something, especially … Read More

Overwhelmed! Let’s listen.

The teachers in Nova Scotia have been telling us they are overwhelmed and they want change! Their union has been negotiating with our government to come to an agreement to improve working conditions. In the interim, students, parents and taxpayers are not feeling their needs are being met. When it comes to educating our children and future leaders, we all have strong beliefs about what is required. I am offering my perspective based on what I have been hearing: Teachers are … Read More

A spiritual perspective on mental illness.

I am curious: I am curious about the role of spirit in mental illness. The Mayo Clinic website offers that ‘Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behaviour.’ It basically relates to anything that does not have a physical cause. We know health captures body, mind and spirit. Spirit is energy, emotions and feelings. Are we combining both mental and spiritual aspects of health under the topic of mental illness? If … Read More

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