Calming stress & anxiety from wildfires using Logosynthesis

Wildfires can be devastating. As the world grapples with the escalating effects of climate change, wildfires have become a distressing reality for many. The devastation caused by these infernos goes beyond physical damage, affecting mental health and especially emotional well-being. Coping with the stress and anxiety brought on by wildfires is a challenge, but one effective approach to finding relief is through Logosynthesis. In this blog post, I will share information on Logosynthesis so that you can use it right … Read More

How to reduce stress while driving using Logosynthesis.

Driving can feel stressful. Summer road trips and drives to the cottage can lead to fun times but they can also be a source stress en route. Heavy traffic, construction and casual drivers can be a source of anxiety and tension.  However, it can also be a significant source of stress for many people. Rushing to get to your destination or to get home after a relaxing weekend can cancel the lower stress levels of your holidays. However, if you … Read More

How to relieve workplace stress using Logosynthesis

Workplace stress is normal. Workplaces bring together a wide variety of people for a common goal. They operate in a changing and uncertain world. This contrast is not always comfortable. People will do things differently from you. Priorities of others will not be the same as yours. Goals and targets may require you to stretch beyond a comfort zone. This contrast can spark growth and accomplishment. Yet all of these situations will trigger an automatic stress response for you. Over … Read More

An integrative approach to relieve food intolerances: Logosynthesis

Food intolerances can be a distressing experience for many people. Symptoms of food intolerance can range from mild discomfort to severe digestive issues, skin problems, headaches, and more. Noticing patterns and documenting details of symptoms can be very helpful to diagnose any underlying health concerns. At times, food intolerances cannot be traced to any medical conditions. There are integrative approaches that can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall health. Here are some approaches to aid relief: 1.Special Diets: Properties of … Read More

How to relieve stress using mental imagery with Logosynthesis

Mental imagery influences how you feel. Many people recognize the connection between visualizing pleasant mental images and relaxation. Research is also showing an important connection between intrusive mental imagery and distressing emotions: “Involuntary images and visual memories are prominent in many types of mental health issues. Patients with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, and psychosis frequently report repeated visual intrusions corresponding to a small number of real or imaginary events, usually extremely vivid, detailed, … Read More

How emotions are triggered by mental imagery & how to shift them.

What triggers our emotions? Our emotions play a powerful role in how we experience the world around us. They can motivate us, inspire us, and bring us joy, but they can also hold us back and cause us pain. Understanding how our emotions are triggered and learning to manage them is an essential part of personal growth and well-being. One way that our emotions are triggered is through mental imagery. When we imagine a situation or experience in our minds, … Read More

What is a ‘stressor’ and how to eliminate it?

Mental imagery acts as a stressor. Stressors trigger our stress responses. Recent medical research is highlighting the role of mental imagery in triggering emotions. You may recognize this as positive visualizations helping you to relax or achieve your goals, such as bringing to mind a beautiful beach scene or scoring a winning goal. You may also recognize intrusive mental imagery in the form of flashbacks can trigger fear, worry or anxiety. Yet in our day to day lives, mental imagery … Read More

Recovering from coronavirus using Logosynthesis

Amber is recovering from coronavirus Amber joined our Zoom session out of breath. She had tested negative two days earlier but still experienced difficulty breathing any time she walked. She had no breathing issues prior to covid and she ‘knew’ that she may still be recovering, yet she felt annoyed. Amber was trying not to panic but she was definitely concerned about long term symptoms from the virus. Also, Amber could feel the tightness in her chest. ‘I don’t want … Read More

How to get images out of your head

Images can feel distressing. Do you find yourself struggling to get certain mental images out of your head? You are not alone! Recent medical research is proving a connection between mental imagery and emotions. Positive visualizations can reduce stress while intrusive, traumatic memories can trigger stress responses, which can be intense. This research is calling for new treatments to resolve distressing mental imagery. Logosynthesis can resolve distressing mental images. Logosynthesis is a psychotherapeutic and coaching model for healing and personal … Read More

One Photo – Multiple Reactions

One photo has the power to spark very different reactions in people. My reactions are based on my experiences and my beliefs, which are part of the family and the community in which I live.  One photo can feel fun and playful to one person and yet trigger very raw feelings of distress in another. My work is to resolve the sensory perceptions or mental imagery that trigger my reactions so that I can have a higher level of compassion … Read More

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