The Wonder of Wonder. Reframing our Beliefs with Logosynthesis®.

We like to take action by fixing things and solving problems. Fixing and solving can be more of a reaction than action. These reactions are triggered by beliefs about the way things ‘should’ be done. We can challenge these beliefs using Logosynthesis® to enjoy more ease and wonder in our everyday life. We live in a culture where we are praised for having passion to do things right and to do the right things. The more demanding the situation, the harder … Read More

Support diversity and inclusion using Logosynthesis®.

Integrating diversity and inclusion into traditions: Diversity and inclusion are important. We may know this yet we often feel discomfort. As I scrolled through Facebook this morning, I was greeted with a post of group photos from past Terry Fox Runs. This was a tradition in our office. Sometimes I went on my own, sometimes with my family. But we did this annual 5 km run, rain or shine. I was blessed with a boss who valued tradition and made … Read More

Is it time to rethink feminism?

Do men have to lose power to make room for women? This morning I reflected on Justin Trudeau’s talk to the Women in the World convention held earlier this week in Toronto. I applaud his efforts towards fairness! It feels invigorating to have a proud feminist fight for the rights of women! But there is a watch out. I got stuck on the reference to the notion that men will have to lose power to make room for women. I … Read More

A Fair Chance to Succeed

We should all have a fair chance to succeed. Justin Trudeau was asked about his number one priority for the next two years at a recent Women in the World convention. He acknowledged that there was a lot to be done but the big one was around fairness, stating a desire that ‘everyone has a fair chance to succeed in Canada. … Everything I can do, everything we can do, to shift the world in the right direction continues to … Read More

Changing attitude: The teach-tell disconnect.

Why is changing attitudes so challenging? Changing attitude in a changing world can support us to enjoy life more fully. We rally behind causes such as gender equality, racial acceptance and religious accommodation yet these are the topics whereby unrest continues to create news headlines. We send our children to school and our employees on courses to reinforce our commitment to change. Additionally, we publish books, produce shows and host conferences to discuss the importance of these humanitarian topics. So … Read More

Resistance and #Canada150.

Creating space for growth. Resistance is part of change and growth. As our country is aglow with Canada150 celebrations, we see a strong message emerge, symbolized by erection of a tipi on Parliament Hill. Not all is comfortable in our land! What if we had a coaching model that would allow us to acknowledge these feelings of discomfort and also, release the energy in these reactions? This would allow us to create a space for growth. While Canada150 is a … Read More

Strength. Connection through experience.

Our strength lies in our connections. Strength is viewed as a sign of success. This strength relies on connection through experience. We aim to strengthen ourselves both individually and within organizations – and there is ample material to tell us how to achieve this. I think of strength as a matrix, with each experience representing a bond holding together individual points. The quality of these experiences impact the quality of the bonds and hence, the strength of the individual and … Read More

Can we be strong and still let go?

Let go to create space for success. I am strong and successful. I have worked hard for what I have and for what is important to me. Things haven’t always gone my way but I have carried on. That is not an option. But I have also come to realize the beauty in being able to let go. I have come to realize that by letting go, we can create a space for success. Life happens but we can still let go. Life … Read More

Believe. The Power of a Word.

Think for a moment about the power in the word ‘believe’. To know something with confidence yet without proof. How do you know with confidence? You feel it. Your experience tells you it is so. Your culture embraces it. At times, we are extremely passionate about our beliefs. We work hard to convince others that we are right. We are prepared to fight for our beliefs. We feel discomfort and fear when our life is not as we believe it should … Read More

Beyond courage. Freedom.

I would like to write something profound today as I bring one phase of my career to a close and open the door to something new and unknown. The word that has been capturing my attention lately is ‘courage’. The ability to do something that frightens one. There are lots of quotes on courage from Nelson Mandela to Winston Churchill, with the encouragement to draw on our strength in an effort to overcome our failures and achieve success. As life happens, … Read More

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