When Leaders Listen: Creating Space for Success

Leaders listen to embrace diversity. What happens when leaders listen? At the Community Town Hall in Dartmouth, NS last evening, our Prime Minister listened to questions from a ‘friendly’ audience. I attended with a question to ask but as I observed the dynamics, I received my answer without needing to stand at the microphone. As I listened, I noticed how he was able to disarm controversy by acknowledging diversity of opinion and respecting the concerns of individuals. As he accepts the responsibility of … Read More

Diversity. A leadership dilemma.

Leaders assume important roles at all levels of our society. We rely on them to set the direction, focus the group and prevent things from becoming overwhelming. We expect a great deal of our leaders and often forget that everyone leads based on their own beliefs. And what each of us believes is different based on personal experiences and societal norms. My reactions are an indicator of the energy tied to my beliefs. We all react. In the reactive state, our energy is not available for productive, creative thought. Change and … Read More

We should care about our children.

We say that we care about our children. I live in Nova Scotia and on Monday, my children will not be attending school as a labour dispute between teachers and the province escalates. I am observing the reactions from the perspective of my lessons in Logosynthesis® and I am going to offer a few words in an attempt to broaden the conversation.  The common theme on social media is ‘If you care about our children you would …’. Our reactions can … Read More

Creative vs. reactive – at work.

We all react to everyday life events. Some reactions are beneficial to our success and others hold us back from achieving our goals. However I have come to recognize that even the reactions that are beneficial to an individual’s success can be damaging to the team. And reactions that are beneficial to the team, may hold an individual back. As leaders, parents and people of influence, what is needed to get the job done may be clear. The energy bound in … Read More

Ignite your Spirit using Logosynthesis

It is common to get stuck in life’s routines. It can be challenging to ignite your spirit when you are stuck in routines and stressful patterns. Yet, by paying attention and learning how to shift the energy in these patterns, we can make meaningful shifts. My summer has been much like any other. Great trips to visit family, connecting with friends, watching my daughters’ soccer games, playing catch up at work and enjoying quiet moments by the lake. This year, … Read More

How to not let things bother you and overreact.

In life, it can be common for things to bother you and to overreact. I am not proud of the fact that I tend to overreact when things bother me.  I have worked very hard over the years to manage my reactions using some highly recommended techniques: These techniques help me cope. They help make body and mind stronger. They help build my resilience to push on and do more. But things still happen that annoy and frustrate me. Things trigger … Read More

Spiritual health starts from within.

Spiritual health is an important part of your overall health. Spiritual health is one of four dimensions to well-being as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), which include physical, social, and mental. Although spiritual health was not included in their initial definition of health in 1946, it has evolved to recognize that “the spiritual dimension plays a great role in motivating people’s achievements in all aspects of life”. The complete description of the spiritual dimension as articulated by the World Health Assembly in 1984 through … Read More

An exciting new book on Logosynthesis!

Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety and Toxic Stress in Just a Few Minutes Using Only Words (Dr. Laurie Weiss, 2016) This book explains Logosynthesis® in a concise manner that is easy for all to understand. It is designed with straightforward instructions to learn how to stop worrying about things you can’t control and to help manage challenging situations.  The following description about the author, provided on Amazon, speaks to the fascinating nature of this work: After over 40 years practicing psychotherapy and coaching, … Read More

Create in the present, not react to your past.

Why do I believe that Logosynthesis® can benefit everyone? We can all benefit from having our energy available to create in the present rather than react to our past. I believe Logosynthesis® is a unique approach to health and wellness because it recognizes our Essence (life energy) from a creative perspective and it guides us to identify and dissolve our unique emotional imprints that trigger us to react to our past. Most stress management techniques provide us with coping skills … Read More

Spiritual health and culture are important for health.

Spiritual health is recognized in our constitution. Spiritual health and culture are importantly connected. We place a great deal of emphasis on health and culture in Canada. Yet spiritual health is placed in a separate bucket from physical and mental health. There is a lot of energy frozen in the words ‘spirit’, ‘spiritual’ and ‘spirituality’. Our healthcare system demands evidence-based research yet our constitution recognizes the supremacy of God. When the Canadian Constitution was amended in 1982 to entrench the … Read More

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