How do I not let things bother me?

Start with what bothers you. We all experience things that bother us in everyday life. It’s a normal human response. An annoying boss. A coworker who doesn’t do their share of the work. Too many demands on your time. Worry about your children. Financial concerns. The list goes on…. Over time, how you react to these everyday situations take a toll on your health, your work and your relationships. It is common to think that if something bothers you, you … Read More

Finding Wisdom in the Serenity Prayer

Tapping into Wisdom with the Serenity Prayer If you are looking for peace and calm in these very turbulent times, the Serenity Prayer offers valuable guidance: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” What do you accept? What do you change? How do you know the difference? I’ve known this prayer since my childhood. I prayed for acceptance, courage and wisdom. … Read More

The Effectiveness of Logosynthesis: New Methods in Integrative Psychotherapy

Integrative psychotherapy supports healing Integrative psychotherapy is helpful in treating a number of different mental health and psychological issues. Research offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of available methods while looking to improve health outcomes. On September 8, 2022, Dr. med Suzanne von Blumenthal offered a poster presentation on the pilot efficacy study on the effectiveness of Logosynthesis® at the Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Logosynthesis® was offered as a treatment modality for patients with depression … Read More

Creating hope through action.

World Suicide Prevention Day encourages you to be the light. Creating hope through action encourages you to gain confidence so that you can become a beacon of light to those in pain: “You can be the light.” (IASP, 2022) Suicide is not a comfortable topic, especially when someone close to you is struggling. It can trigger feelings of worry, fear and anxiety. The topic can trigger strong physical sensations and distressing thoughts. It can be difficult to know what to say … Read More

How to resolve work-related stress headaches.

Many people struggle to resolve stress headaches related to their work. Often times, stress headaches are accepted as an inevitable part of work without understanding the role of the underlying triggers. You can identify and resolve your stress triggers using Logosynthesis®. Not only does Logosynthesis® help to reduce stress, but it also helps to feel more energy to unlock your potential. Sylvie’s story Sylvie contacted me because she was struggling at work.  “I’m having a hard time at work again. … Read More

What is a ‘stressor’ and how to eliminate it?

Mental imagery acts as a stressor. Stressors trigger our stress responses. Recent medical research is highlighting the role of mental imagery in triggering emotions. You may recognize this as positive visualizations helping you to relax or achieve your goals, such as bringing to mind a beautiful beach scene or scoring a winning goal. You may also recognize intrusive mental imagery in the form of flashbacks can trigger fear, worry or anxiety. Yet in our day to day lives, mental imagery … Read More

Recovering from coronavirus using Logosynthesis

Amber is recovering from coronavirus Amber joined our Zoom session out of breath. She had tested negative two days earlier but still experienced difficulty breathing any time she walked. She had no breathing issues prior to covid and she ‘knew’ that she may still be recovering, yet she felt annoyed. Amber was trying not to panic but she was definitely concerned about long term symptoms from the virus. Also, Amber could feel the tightness in her chest. ‘I don’t want … Read More

Feeling stable in times of war using Logosynthesis

Times of war are distressing. Not only does war upset stability in the world around us but war also upsets our inner stability. For Kay, Logosynthesis® is the best way to reduce stress and to feel calmer. ‘Now there is a very special stress for me here in Germany. I know I have to be stable for my family and my students and yet I am really worried. I don’t feel calm. I feel the stress in my body, especially … Read More

Are you feeling stuck with symptoms of Long Covid?

Symptoms of Long Covid are distressing. Many people are struggling with a variety of distressing symptoms that persist after covid. Brain fog, fatigue, loss of taste and other symptoms are cause for concern. Many people don’t feel well and are suffering, wondering if they need to learn to live with debilitating symptoms. Logosynthesis® offers a solution from an energetic perspective to provide immediate and sustained relief of symptoms. Doctors are using Logosynthesis® to heal Long Covid. Logosynthesis® is being used … Read More

How to relieve stress related to coronavirus.

Are you stressed heading back to school? Nancy works in a school and she was feeling the stress of returning to work after the holidays amid a surge in coronavirus cases. She was not feeling safe. She explored this issue using the guided video in the Essence: Unlock Potential Coaching App. The level of distress before the Logosynthesis® sentences was at a 9 on a scale of 0-10. (0 being ‘no distress’ and 10 being ‘maximum distress’). The level of … Read More

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