Can we be strong and still let go?

Let go to create space for success. I am strong and successful. I have worked hard for what I have and for what is important to me. Things haven’t always gone my way but I have carried on. That is not an option. But I have also come to realize the beauty in being able to let go. I have come to realize that by letting go, we can create a space for success. Life happens but we can still let go. Life … Read More

Believe. The Power of a Word.

Think for a moment about the power in the word ‘believe’. To know something with confidence yet without proof. How do you know with confidence? You feel it. Your experience tells you it is so. Your culture embraces it. At times, we are extremely passionate about our beliefs. We work hard to convince others that we are right. We are prepared to fight for our beliefs. We feel discomfort and fear when our life is not as we believe it should … Read More

Stances: Our Premier vs. Our Teachers

Tension leads to stances: As tension escalates on contract negotiations between the teachers union and the government, the public is left feeling very angry and confused. The situation is reactive and irrational. The latest straw to fuel another work-to-rule mandate was our premier’s ‘clarification’ that the teachers two ‘new’ days off were for marking and classroom preparation. So I view this as new material to apply and I have identified the importance of stances, defined as a way of thinking about something, especially … Read More

I know I am right, so why should I change?

As I reflect on my conversations around Logosynthesis, I recognize that we often hold a great deal of emotion in our beliefs. The stronger the emotion, the more adamant we are that we are right and the stronger the conviction to get others to change.  Consider how the following statements may be limiting: I don’t get along well with others because they have issues. I am not the one who needs personal development work. My frustration at work is due to other people not … Read More

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