Strength. Connection through experience.

Our strength lies in our connections. Strength is viewed as a sign of success. This strength relies on connection through experience. We aim to strengthen ourselves both individually and within organizations – and there is ample material to tell us how to achieve this. I think of strength as a matrix, with each experience representing a bond holding together individual points. The quality of these experiences impact the quality of the bonds and hence, the strength of the individual and … Read More

How can we support multiculturalism?

Celebrating our diversity. We are truly a mosaic worth celebrating!  And there is an important role to support multiculturalism. This year, we celebrate an important milestone in Canada’s history, marking 150 years as a nation. Strong and free. Humble and proud. We are keenly aware that our cities, towns and rural communities were both carved from the wilderness and overtake from communities native to this land. All to create a space for a vision we know as Canada. What has … Read More

My uncles: Mentors to challenge my beliefs.

Mentors offer valuable guidance to navigate work and life. Mentors can provide a valuable role to navigate the challenges and opportunities of both work and life. They can fill a number of roles, such as a role model, teacher, counsellor, advisor, sponsor, advocate and ally. These roles create a space for you to learn and to grow. As a busy, working parent, I was keenly interested in both leadership and personal development. I had read lots of books and tried … Read More

How to manage life transitions using Logosynthesis

It can be stressful to manage life transitions. We all look to manage life transitions and these transitions are not always comfortable. This morning I read a post written by Dr. Willem Lammers, the founder of Logosynthesis, on work he is developing in the area of life transitions. As always, I am interested in applying the concepts to my everyday life.  Top of mind is the current labour dispute between government and the teachers union in Nova Scotia. Here are some thoughts for consideration: … Read More

When Leaders Listen: Creating Space for Success

Leaders listen to embrace diversity. What happens when leaders listen? At the Community Town Hall in Dartmouth, NS last evening, our Prime Minister listened to questions from a ‘friendly’ audience. I attended with a question to ask but as I observed the dynamics, I received my answer without needing to stand at the microphone. As I listened, I noticed how he was able to disarm controversy by acknowledging diversity of opinion and respecting the concerns of individuals. As he accepts the responsibility of … Read More

Creative vs. reactive – at work.

We all react to everyday life events. Some reactions are beneficial to our success and others hold us back from achieving our goals. However I have come to recognize that even the reactions that are beneficial to an individual’s success can be damaging to the team. And reactions that are beneficial to the team, may hold an individual back. As leaders, parents and people of influence, what is needed to get the job done may be clear. The energy bound in … Read More

Spiritual health and culture are important for health.

Spiritual health is recognized in our constitution. Spiritual health and culture are importantly connected. We place a great deal of emphasis on health and culture in Canada. Yet spiritual health is placed in a separate bucket from physical and mental health. There is a lot of energy frozen in the words ‘spirit’, ‘spiritual’ and ‘spirituality’. Our healthcare system demands evidence-based research yet our constitution recognizes the supremacy of God. When the Canadian Constitution was amended in 1982 to entrench the … Read More

Feel better by self-coaching using Logosynthesis

It is normal to react to situations in everyday life Self-coaching puts you in the driver’s seat. You learn how to notice what bothers you and take action to feel better and to achieve your goals. You are human and in everyday life you make choices. Also, you react to what happens around you. At times, these reactions can impact your health or get in the way of what is important. While this is normal, learning to resolve memories and … Read More

Welcome to The Healthy Living Plan!

Introducing Logosynthesis® as part of your healthy living plan. Welcome to The Healthy Living Plan! This website is dedicated to using Logosynthesis® to both identify and resolve the stress triggers (in the form of mental imagery) that can keep you stuck in stressful patterns. Our focus is to support you in everyday work and life through leadership and personal development. You will learn how to reduce stress and anxiety and to enjoy life more fully!! Do you feel like stress … Read More

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