How to overcome workplace dread.

Many people struggle with workplace dread – feelings of dread or anxiety about going to work. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a toxic work environment, a difficult boss, or simply feeling overwhelmed by your workload. If you are experiencing this type of dread on a regular basis, it’s important to take action to address the issue before it takes a toll on your mental health and overall well-being.  You don’t need to stay stuck … Read More

How to relieve stress using mental imagery with Logosynthesis

Mental imagery influences how you feel. Many people recognize the connection between visualizing pleasant mental images and relaxation. Research is also showing an important connection between intrusive mental imagery and distressing emotions: “Involuntary images and visual memories are prominent in many types of mental health issues. Patients with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, and psychosis frequently report repeated visual intrusions corresponding to a small number of real or imaginary events, usually extremely vivid, detailed, … Read More

How emotions are triggered by mental imagery & how to shift them.

What triggers our emotions? Our emotions play a powerful role in how we experience the world around us. They can motivate us, inspire us, and bring us joy, but they can also hold us back and cause us pain. Understanding how our emotions are triggered and learning to manage them is an essential part of personal growth and well-being. One way that our emotions are triggered is through mental imagery. When we imagine a situation or experience in our minds, … Read More

Eliminating the “Shoulds”: How to Live a More Authentic Life

Have you ever felt like you should be doing something, even though you don’t really want to? Maybe you feel like you should exercise more, or you should spend more time with your family, or you should be able to do work faster. These “shoulds” can be overwhelming and can lead to a sense of guilt or failure when you don’t live up to them. They can also affect your physical and mental health. In this post, we’ll explore why … Read More

How to have better conversations.

Conversations can be stressful. Conversations can be especially difficult when it’s an important topic and each person has a firm position on the outcome they desire. Often, the conversation gets muddled with reactive behaviours, leading to a poor result. Logosynthesis® offers a solution to better conversations. By guiding you to recognize what bothers you before you have the conversation, you are able to resolve the underlying triggers to stressful reactions. You are better able to approach the conversation from a … Read More

Watch Recordings from Logosynthesis® Day 2023

Watch recordings from Logosynthesis® Day 2023 This free, online conference held on January 11, 2023. The conference offered a wonderful opportunity so that we could come together to celebrate the anniversary of the model. It also offered education about how this model is being used in therapy, coaching and self-coaching. We are excited to offer the recordings of each session so that you can view any that you may have missed and/or watch presentations again. Please share the videos with … Read More

How mental imagery triggers symptoms … and how to shift them.

Mental imagery is normal. As humans, we automatically create mental images in response life’s experiences. Some are pleasant. Some are not! And for the most part, they stay with us unchanged over time. We often hear of people reliving an accident or cherishing the memory of a loved one. Mental imagery triggers symptoms. What’s important is that it is not just the image that stays with you. When the mental imagery is activated, all the sensations associated with the original … Read More

How do I not let things bother me?

Start with what bothers you. We all experience things that bother us in everyday life. It’s a normal human response. An annoying boss. A coworker who doesn’t do their share of the work. Too many demands on your time. Worry about your children. Financial concerns. The list goes on…. Over time, how you react to these everyday situations take a toll on your health, your work and your relationships. It is common to think that if something bothers you, you … Read More

Finding Wisdom in the Serenity Prayer

Tapping into Wisdom with the Serenity Prayer If you are looking for peace and calm in these very turbulent times, the Serenity Prayer offers valuable guidance: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” What do you accept? What do you change? How do you know the difference? I’ve known this prayer since my childhood. I prayed for acceptance, courage and wisdom. … Read More

Creating hope through action.

World Suicide Prevention Day encourages you to be the light. Creating hope through action encourages you to gain confidence so that you can become a beacon of light to those in pain: “You can be the light.” (IASP, 2022) Suicide is not a comfortable topic, especially when someone close to you is struggling. It can trigger feelings of worry, fear and anxiety. The topic can trigger strong physical sensations and distressing thoughts. It can be difficult to know what to say … Read More

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