Feel better by self-coaching using Logosynthesis

It is normal to react to situations in everyday life Self-coaching puts you in the driver’s seat. You learn how to notice what bothers you and take action to feel better and to achieve your goals. You are human and in everyday life you make choices. Also, you react to what happens around you. At times, these reactions can impact your health or get in the way of what is important. While this is normal, learning to resolve memories and … Read More

Do you stress about how things should be?

My life ‘should be’ different.  But it’s not.  Things happen in my life which ‘should not’ happen.  But the fact is, they do happen.  I do things that I know I ‘should not’ do.   But I do them anyway.  People around me do things that they clearly ‘should not’ do.  But the fact is, they too, do them anyway.  There are things I ‘should have’ known to prevent something.  But the fact is, I did not know.  And I have come to … Read More

Are we too busy to deal with stress?

As I prepare for a public presentation to introduce LOGOSYNTHESIS® with the founder, Dr. Willem Lammers,  I want to share some important observations: People are intrigued and want to learn how to better cope with stress but most people are too busy to attend due to valid work or personal commitments. Our schedules are so full that we are challenged to find a time to talk about stress as a community. I am waiting to get engagement from government and health care professionals. There … Read More

Really? That triggers my behaviour?

Over my career in dietetics, marketing and sales, understanding how to effectively break habits and change behaviour has been a key goal.  Additionally, I feel a need to change my behaviour in my roles as mother, spouse, coworker, friend and community member.  Our traditional approaches ask us to identify the behaviours we want to change and then put in place action items and timelines to change them.  The general thinking is that if we can stick to our new plan … Read More

Do you know what your stress feels like?

We readily talk about how stressed out we are.  We can explain in great detail how our work, our family, our friends and our chores wear us down.  However, we rarely take time to quietly sit back and get in touch with what our stress feels like in each situation.  It can be uncomfortable to get in touch with these feelings so we avoid the sensations by adding more things to our ‘to do’ list. Instead, we create more stress for ourselves and for those … Read More

Prepare your toolbox for when life happens.

Are you ready for when life happens? I have been working on my personal development for a long time. I am versed in stress management, physical fitness, healthy eating, parenting techniques and the list goes on but even with knowing what I needed to do, I still reacted to the same things the same way.   With the introduction of Logosynthesis, the triggers that normally cause me to react no longer have the same effect.  I believe I have lots to … Read More

Logosynthesis®. A new word for teachers.

Teachers get paid to teach a pre-determined curriculum to our children however we all recognize that their role is far broader and more important than the course material.  They are the adults that influence, mentor and support our children. They are on the playground when children are bullied and in the classroom when students struggle for answers. They are charged with teaching children who come to school too tired, too worried or too stressed to learn. And teachers are human, bringing to … Read More

Hey Atlantic Canada, what’s holding us back?

I am the daughter of immigrants who came to Atlantic Canada with nothing.  My parents were able to create something special on the banks of the Miramichi River through hard work and determination.  What was the secret of their success? I challenge that a significant factor was their experiences as children.  Growing up during World War II in Holland imprinted that when times got tough, they had no choice but to work through the challenges.  They knew that they didn’t need much … Read More

Try a new approach to healthy living!

A curiosity and interest to support healthy living. My background is based on a career as a dietitian. As a dietitian, I had a focus on healthy lifestyle practices. Food. Exercise. Meditation. But there was always something missing. How to resolve the triggers to stressful reactive patterns?   I have an MBA and organizational behaviour theory certainly plays a role. However, this is conversation is not about degrees and certificates.  I have a lot of experience with volunteer organizations and a … Read More

Breaking the cycle of reactive parenting using Logosynthesis®.

Losing my cool as a parent! I am not proud to admit that I can get stuck in ‘reactive parenting’ mode. As a parent, I truly want to do a great job raising my children. However, I admit that I get stressed.  I have been known to raise my voice and lose my cool when things don’t go as I feel they should.  I know what I should be doing and how to do it but in the moment, all … Read More

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