Watch Recordings from Logosynthesis® Day 2023

Watch recordings from Logosynthesis® Day 2023 This free, online conference held on January 11, 2023. The conference offered a wonderful opportunity so that we could come together to celebrate the anniversary of the model. It also offered education about how this model is being used in therapy, coaching and self-coaching. We are excited to offer the recordings of each session so that you can view any that you may have missed and/or watch presentations again. Please share the videos with … Read More

Unlock your potential in 2023.

It is common to think that you need to ‘change’ yourself or your situation to achieve your potential. But what if you already possess your full potential? What if your work is to simply shift the memories and beliefs that get in the way of realizing this potential?  Rather than expending energy to change yourself and others, you simply notice and shift the triggers to your stress response. The result is that more of your energy is available to act … Read More

How do I not let things bother me?

Start with what bothers you. We all experience things that bother us in everyday life. It’s a normal human response. An annoying boss. A coworker who doesn’t do their share of the work. Too many demands on your time. Worry about your children. Financial concerns. The list goes on…. Over time, how you react to these everyday situations take a toll on your health, your work and your relationships. It is common to think that if something bothers you, you … Read More

Feeling stable in times of war using Logosynthesis

Times of war are distressing. Not only does war upset stability in the world around us but war also upsets our inner stability. For Kay, Logosynthesis® is the best way to reduce stress and to feel calmer. ‘Now there is a very special stress for me here in Germany. I know I have to be stable for my family and my students and yet I am really worried. I don’t feel calm. I feel the stress in my body, especially … Read More

How reactions can get in the way during the pandemic and how to change them.

Why it is important to be aware of our reactions: Our reactions can get in the way of what is beneficial for our own health and wellness. Yet our reactions are often based on conditioned responses. So we often don’t even recognize them. We focus on changing things around us to make us feel better. This can take considerable effort with limited success. It can be liberating to be able to change our reactions to the situations around us. This … Read More

Unleashing the Power of ‘I Am’ Using Logosynthesis

‘I am’ is powerful.  In the realm of self-improvement and personal growth, few concepts hold as much potential for transformation as the simple yet profound declaration: “I am.” These two words encapsulate the essence of our identity, shaping not only how we perceive ourselves but also influencing the reality we inhabit. Through the lens of Logosynthesis, a powerful psychotherapeutic and coaching model, we can delve into the inherent power of “I am” and its capacity to catalyze profound shifts. Understanding … Read More

How to not lose my cool.

I don’t like to lose my cool. I have been known to lose my cool when life gets busy and demands are urgent. It is not something that I like to admit but I notice it in the tone of my voice, the tension in my jaw and the squinting of my eyes. I get in a reactive mode and in the moment, my concern is not about the feelings of others but rather that others pay attention to me. … Read More

One Photo – Multiple Reactions

One photo has the power to spark very different reactions in people. My reactions are based on my experiences and my beliefs, which are part of the family and the community in which I live.  One photo can feel fun and playful to one person and yet trigger very raw feelings of distress in another. My work is to resolve the sensory perceptions or mental imagery that trigger my reactions so that I can have a higher level of compassion … Read More

Expanding Our Frame of Reference

Our frame of reference is how we approach the world. Frame of reference is defined as ‘a set of ideas, conditions, or assumptions that determine how something will be approached, perceived, or understood.’ (Merriam-Webster, 2019)  Each of us has a unique frame of reference that is embedded in our culture, education and experiences. This provides us with a structure to make sense of the multitude of stimuli that constantly bombards our senses. Dismiss. Our senses perceive external stimuli. We dismiss … Read More

Two Truths Call For Growth.

Growth comes from being able to resolve two conflicting truths. Our reactions provide us with information that allows us to resolve our frozen perceptions, also known as our beliefs. Redefining Truth. Our simple definition for ‘truth’ as a fact or reality is closed, exclusive and reactive. It does not support growth, inclusiveness or creativity. According to Merriam-Webster, an additional definition is a judgment or idea that is true or accepted as true.  Judgment is defined as a formal utterance of … Read More

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