How to get images out of your head

Images can feel distressing. Do you find yourself struggling to get certain mental images out of your head? You are not alone! Recent medical research is proving a connection between mental imagery and emotions. Positive visualizations can reduce stress while intrusive, traumatic memories can trigger stress responses, which can be intense. This research is calling for new treatments to resolve distressing mental imagery. Logosynthesis® can resolve distressing mental images. Logosynthesis® is a psychotherapeutic and coaching model for healing and personal … Read More

How to change your beliefs.

Your beliefs feel like ‘fact’. It can be challenging to change your beliefs. Your beliefs help you to make sense of your world. They are conclusions that you have reached based on your experiences, your culture and the authority of others. Although your beliefs feel ‘right’, they are frozen energy patterns that can keep you stuck in a limited view of the world. This is a normal pattern of being human. It allows us to survive. When new views are … Read More

How to feel better in the midst of a pandemic

We are living in uncertain times. Most people look forward to the holiday season. Parties with friends. Shopping sprees. Family rituals. And now we are told that we cannot do the things we enjoy. In addition, we are worried about our parents, our children, our coworkers, our businesses and more. We don’t feel safe when we go out in public, especially when other people are not doing what they should be doing. We feel the impact. Some of us feel … Read More

How to use your reactions to prevent Covid-19 Burnout

Burnout is a response to our environment. Burnout involves a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that reduces your ability to accomplish your goals. It is not a medical diagnosis. Each of us responds to what is happening in our world based on our patterns of reacting. If we are conditioned to work hard and the demands increase, we work harder. If we are conditioned to hurry up and suddenly more people need our help, we get busier. And also, … Read More

#Getreal about how we really feel

Learning to feel better. #Getreal challenges us to get in touch with what we are feeling. We are human. We react to change and it doesn’t always feel good. Growing up on a farm, I was introduced early to the idea of learning new ways to get the job done. The farming community was great at sharing new ideas and so, I was also introduced to the importance of learning from those around me. We didn’t have all the answers … Read More

How to relieve stress when working from home.

Working from home can be stressful. You can start now to relieve stress when working from home. As a working parent, it is normal to be pulled in many directions. There is lots of advice to direct what you should do but often what you need it the peace and calm to listen to your inner voice. You can benefit when working from home by learning to pay attention to what bothers you and resolve the triggers to stay present … Read More

I can breathe

Grief can feel overwhelming I love the change in season from winter to spring. The days are longer, the sun is warmer and the colours are more vibrant. Yet not everyone is in a position to look forward with anticipation. I was speaking with a colleague yesterday who was struggling with moving forward since her mother passed away before Christmas, at the beginning of winter. ‘I want to be on pause’. She was connecting with a sense of not wanting … Read More

Positive Mental Health using Logosynthesis

What is ‘positive mental health’? The Canadian Public Health Agency defines mental health as: “the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. It is a positive sense of emotional and spiritual well-being that respects the importance of culture, equity, social justice, interconnections and personal dignity” – Capacity to feel, think and act. This definition recognizes that to be healthy, each … Read More

Are you looking for relief from coronavirus?

Use this guided meditation to experience relief related to coronavirus. It is normal to be reacting with worry, fear and anxiety related to coronavirus. Whether it is concerns related to finances, our own health or simply the media, coronavirus can be constantly on our minds. We can even experience symptoms in our bodies from the distress. Are you looking for relief? Willem Lammers, the founder of Logosynthesis, has developed a specific protocol to use the power of words to resolve … Read More

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